Can Virtuance link my listing website to my MLS service for me?

Yes, but only in certain circumstances where the service provider will accept the "push" to their website.  In order to see if your MLS provider will be able to accept this feature, first log in to your listing dashboard.

For information on how to access your listing dashboard, see this article.

Once you have selected your MLS service, note that if you see this message:

we are not able to post your listing website link for you.  Instead, you can copy the link from the Overview section of your dashboard using that function:

then paste the link directly into your MLS listing.

If you do NOT see the note above, we can link directly to your MLS service!

In your account, click "My Account" and "My Listings" to view them.  Select the listing that you would like to have us post to the MLS for you using the button to the right of that listing:

Note that this feature only adds the listing website link to the MLS, and does not directly upload images.  

For help downloading images, check out this article.

For information on how to upload images to your MLS, check out this article.

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